Taming the Tongue Has the Power of Life and Death

Proverbs 18:21 talks about how the tongue has the power of life and death, or the power to build up or destroy. Which is why we’re going to close out our Communicating God’s Way series by talking about the importance of taming the tongue. After all, if we could all somehow learn just to control […]
The Importance of Forgiveness and Humility in Marriage

You cannot read the Bible, believe that it’s true, and submit yourself to it’s teachings without understanding the importance of forgiveness! There is no question that believers are called to forgive as they have been forgiven. So today, as we get close to the end of our Communicating God’s Way series, we want to spend […]
Telling the Truth is Important! Speak Truth in Love

It’s true! Telling the truth IS important. If you’ve found this post through search, we’re towards the end of a series on Communicating God’s Way in our marriages. Today we’re talking about the importance of telling the truth. All the time. We want to learn how to recognize actual truth for ourselves, we want to […]
Gaslighting Tactics – 7 Examples of Manipulation in Relationships to Take Seriously

We’re about halfway through a series talking about what it means to communicate God’s way in our relationships. In our last post we talked about some of the most common examples of manipulation in relationships that mess this up. We acknowledged that we all sometimes choose to play games rather than speak plainly and honestly, […]
Manipulation in Communication – 5 Common Manipulation Tactics to Avoid

Manipulation in communication is a HUGE problem in modern relationships. We can’t adequately cover the topic of communication in this series without addressing it. But I believe there are two categories of manipulation we need to address here, and for that reason we’re splitting this topic up into two posts. The reality is, I doubt a single […]
The negative Effects of Assumptions and Presumptions

We all know what happens when you assume, right? Let’s just say it’s asinine, and leave it at that. Which is why this week in our Communicating God’s Way series we’re talking all about the negative effects of assumptions and presumptions in our conversations. It’s time to learn a better way to communicate! Just in […]
Learn to Listen – Essential Communication Skills

We’re learning to communicate God’s way as we work our way through a series designed to develop essential communication skills that align with what the Bible says on the issue. Today we’re going to learn to listen. Really listen. Not just to each other, but to God as well. Honestly, if we could all master […]
Practice Humility – How to Get Rid of The Log In Your Eye

We’re working our way through a series on communicating God’s way in our marriages. But before we can get into specific communication principles, we need to prepare our hearts. It’s essential that our intentions as we proceed be in line with those of our Heavenly Father. This begins when we learn to practice humility with […]
What Does the Bible Say About Communication in Relationships?

Terrible communication is likely one of the most common roadblocks to healing in broken marriages. So today we’re starting a series to answer the question, what does the Bible say about communication in relationships? Because we don’t want to spend another day doing things our way. It’s time to start doing it God’s way! So […]