Victim of Victor? Do You want to Get Well?
Sometimes we’re victimized. There isn’t anything we can do about it, that’s what makes us victims! But we don’t have to stay there. As we’ll see today, Jesus often stands, hand extended to us, asking, “Do you want to get well?” At some point, we have to face Him and find the courage to answer […]
How to Win the Battle for Your Mind
Learning how to win the battle for your mind is a challenge on the road to recovery from infidelity for both the betrayer and the betrayed! In reality, there are countless other struggles, too, which necessitate a commitment on our part to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. So if, like both […]
Letting Go of Control and Fear with Good Boundaries
When we come to a place in which we realize letting go of control and fear has become a necessity, I doubt there are many of us who naturally think of good boundaries as the way to do it! Quite the opposite. Most people have such a distorted view of boundaries, that they end up thinking of them as […]
Addiction, Lies, and Relationships
It’s time to address a very important reality about addiction, lies, and relationships. When we’re active in our addiction, or even at the beginning stages of recovery, it can be difficult to understand why confession is SO important. The enemy tells us we’re protecting the people we love by not telling them what we’ve done, […]
How to Let Go of Control in a Relationship
Sin (including addiction) is never the fault of anyone but the sinner. If someone we love is battling addiction (or any other willful sin), it absolutely is NOT our fault. Our control in a relationship does not include the ability to control another person’s choices. Which is exactly why we have to learn how to […]
Taming the Tongue Has the Power of Life and Death
Proverbs 18:21 talks about how the tongue has the power of life and death, or the power to build up or destroy. Which is why we’re going to close out our Communicating God’s Way series by talking about the importance of taming the tongue. After all, if we could all somehow learn just to control […]
The Importance of Forgiveness and Humility in Marriage
You cannot read the Bible, believe that it’s true, and submit yourself to it’s teachings without understanding the importance of forgiveness! There is no question that believers are called to forgive as they have been forgiven. So today, as we get close to the end of our Communicating God’s Way series, we want to spend […]
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
Often, when lies have defined a relationship for many years, we’re left wondering, will I ever stop waiting for the other shoe to drop? Even after years of solid recovery, many of us find ourselves struggling to believe we’re not still being lied to. How can we ever know for sure, we wonder? What if we’re being naïve or […]
Telling the Truth is Important! Speak Truth in Love
It’s true! Telling the truth IS important. If you’ve found this post through search, we’re towards the end of a series on Communicating God’s Way in our marriages. Today we’re talking about the importance of telling the truth. All the time. We want to learn how to recognize actual truth for ourselves, we want to […]
Healing is Not Linear: Navigating the 3 Stages of Betrayal Recovery
People far wiser than myself have named three stages to the process of healing from Betrayal Trauma, and as a survivor, I can definitely find pieces of my own story in each of those stages of betrayal recovery. But I’m here to tell you, the journey to healing is not linear. We won’t move through […]