The Anxiety Cure – A Book Review

Book Review - The Anxiety Cure

Let’s talk about the process of overcoming anxiety and depression as it relates to betrayal trauma, and a resource that helped me tremendously in my own healing journey. The book is called The Anxiety Cure. The author, Dr. Archibald Hart is both a Christian, and a Doctor of Psychology. I loved his commitment to the […]

Recognizing Real Recovery

Recognizing Real Recovery

I feel like I should start this post out with a giant disclaimer, because I really don’t feel qualified to write something so audacious so early in this process. It’s too soon to be able to tell if this is going to last, or even know for sure that it’s real recovery. It’s too soon […]

How to Find Truth in Relationships Defined by Lies

How to find Truth in Relationships Defined by Lies

Without question, one of the most difficult parts of recovering from intimate betrayal is learning how and when to start allowing trust to be rebuilt.  This becomes especially difficult when there have been multiple betrayals strung out over long periods of time, with periods of believed sobriety in between.  How can we ever know what’s true when life has […]

Finding Courage When God Opens Doors

Finding Courage when God Opens Doors

There are so many multi-pronged forks in the road we walk throughout our life!  I prefer to look at it as a massive building with more rooms than we’ll ever have time to visit; each room connected to others by long hallways on all sides – an intricate maze that’s impossible to map out and […]

What My Love Learned from the Story of Moses

What My Love Learned from the Story of Moses

If you’ve been following our story, you know my love has been growing spiritually and I promised to talk more about it soon.  Today is the last day of our 90 day therapeutic separation so it seems like a great time to celebrate what God has been doing.  Our Bible reading plan through those first […]

Growing Faith and Moving Mountains

Growing Faith and Moving Mountains

Well, we’re halfway through (March 2017) the 90 day therapeutic separation.  I thought it would be a good idea to give a little update because God has been doing some big stuff, moving mountains everywhere we look!  We ended up changing a few of the parameters to the plan after about a week.  I’d like […]

Your Sexually Addicted Spouse – A Book Review

Book Review - Your Sexually Addicted Spouse

I have just read, Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal, by Barbara Steffens, PhD, LPCC, and Marsha Means, MA. I have to say, this is one of the best books on surviving infidelity I have ever read! So I wanted to share a quick book review with you. I really cannot recommend […]

Finding My Identity Through the Fog

Finding my Identity through the Fog

Sometimes life gets foggy.  For one reason or another, stress piles up and it becomes difficult to navigate or even find the path forward.  When that stress is a result of intimate betrayal, especially when it has been repeated again and again, the fog is likely to gather all around our perceptions of ourselves.  Insecurity […]

Does God Love Me No Matter What?

Does God Love Me... No Matter What

I know it seems like a ridiculous question to many of you: “Does God love me no matter what?”  For a lot of you the ability to accept God’s love for what it is doesn’t present any problems. You think, “Of course He loves you, He died for you!”  But I have a feeling there […]

The Next Ninety Days – Separation

The Next Ninety Days - Beginning Our Therapeutic Separation

* What you read below is what I wrote in February 2017, on the night Steve moved out to start our 90-day time apart. God taught us a lot during this time, and if you keep reading through the posts in the “Our Story” category you’ll get to see how God worked. As we’ve worked […]