The Anxiety Cure – A Book Review

Let’s talk about the process of overcoming anxiety and depression as it relates to betrayal trauma, and a resource that helped me tremendously in my own healing journey. The book is called The Anxiety Cure. The author, Dr. Archibald Hart is both a Christian, and a Doctor of Psychology. I loved his commitment to the […]
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse – A Book Review

I have just read, Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal, by Barbara Steffens, PhD, LPCC, and Marsha Means, MA. I have to say, this is one of the best books on surviving infidelity I have ever read! So I wanted to share a quick book review with you. I really cannot recommend […]
Finding My Identity Through the Fog

Sometimes life gets foggy. For one reason or another, stress piles up and it becomes difficult to navigate or even find the path forward. When that stress is a result of intimate betrayal, especially when it has been repeated again and again, the fog is likely to gather all around our perceptions of ourselves. Insecurity […]