I Don’t Know What to Do: 5 Steps when You’re Seeking Wisdom from God in Affair Recovery.

If there is one phrase I believe adequately sums up the affair recovery process, it would be, “I don’t know what to do.” Whether you are a betrayed spouse seeking healing or a repentant betrayer trying to overcome, the journey to restoration is full of difficult decisions and forks in the road. Most of us […]
How to Deal with Infidelity Biblically

Unfortunately, far too many Christian couples find themselves forced to figure out how to deal with infidelity Biblically. We have entered into the covenant of marriage fully intending to cling to our spouse “till death do us part,” but now find we’re having to answer questions we never dreamed would have to be asked. Most […]
Victim of Victor? Do You want to Get Well?

Sometimes we’re victimized. There isn’t anything we can do about it, that’s what makes us victims! But we don’t have to stay there. As we’ll see today, Jesus often stands, hand extended to us, asking, “Do you want to get well?” At some point, we have to face Him and find the courage to answer […]
How to Win the Battle for Your Mind

Learning how to win the battle for your mind is a challenge on the road to recovery from infidelity for both the betrayer and the betrayed! In reality, there are countless other struggles, too, which necessitate a commitment on our part to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. So if, like both […]
How to Let Go of Control in a Relationship

Sin (including addiction) is never the fault of anyone but the sinner. If someone we love is battling addiction (or any other willful sin), it absolutely is NOT our fault. Our control in a relationship does not include the ability to control another person’s choices. Which is exactly why we have to learn how to […]
Separation in Marriage – Bible

If I were to do a google search of the words, “separation in marriage bible” what do you think I’d find? Well, I’d find it’s something people are searching, and I’m not surprised. When we were going through the very early stages of recovery, separation wasn’t really on our radar, but as we learned more […]
Porn and Marriage and Millennials

Last week we talked about porn and marriage, and having a Biblical perspective. This week we want get informed about some of the facts surrounding this issue. Especially as they pertains to marriage and millennials. This article was originally published for the site young-wives.com, which is no longer active. I am publishing it here in order […]
What the Bible Says About Pornography and Marriage

When your ministry is centered around affair recovery, you have a lot of opportunity to talk to people who have been affected by pornography. One of the more shocking things we’ve come to understand is how few people in our world today know what the Bible says about pornography and marriage. What a difference it […]
5 Steps for Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Setting boundaries is such a vital step in affair recovery, but when we’re trying to honor God along the way it can get confusing and overwhelming. We’ve spent a lot of time studying what the Bible says about boundaries, and today we’d like to share 5 steps for setting boundaries in relationships to help you […]
How to Love when Love is Dead

The more time I spend talking to women who have been betrayed, the more I get asked questions about how to love their unfaithful but repentant husbands. They go something like this: “I know he’s trying, but I just don’t love him anymore. It’s like my love is dead. I really don’t think I’ll ever be able […]